Drunk and FAT to Fit and FIERCE in 10 Days

Marlboro's and Johnny Walker are now just my ex lovers, but I didn't give them up for grilled chicken salads and a bad time. In fact, fuck grilled chicken salads. You do NOT have to eat that.

I'm not "one of those fitness people." I closed down the bar at 4:00 a.m. for a decade. I'm real, I swear like a sailor, and I want to give you the secrets to help *you* go from drunk and fat to fit and fierce—without the bullshit. In just 10 days.

10 Days. 10 Life-Changing Secrets to Getting Healthy. Zero Elitist Bullshit.

Sign up for my *FREE* email series and for ten days, I'll send you all of the information you need to trim up that pandemic bod without any judgment from the peanut gallery!

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    Andee Scarantino

    Life Coach, Running Coach, Sociologist, Former Cigarette Smoking Barfly

    Who am I?

    I'm a former 18-year smoker turned marathon runner! (That's 26.2 miles, baby!) Coach. Sociologist. Columbia Grad. Former bartender. Lover of both bougie food and government cheese. Creator of "Get the FUCK Off" and "The Get the F*ck Off Podcast," where I help people change their lives without sacrificing their personalities.

    What will you learn?

    • Why everyone lied to you about food, and why you don't need to "eat salads and grilled chicken forever."
    • Why you DON'T actually have "no willpower." WILLPOWER is a fucking dirty word.
    • How to make those exercise goals WORK
    • The BEST resource to ACTUALLY QUIT SMOKING